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We are the world’s leading Geo-data specialist, collecting and analysing comprehensive information about the Earth and the structures built upon it. Through integrated data acquisition, analysis and advice, we unlock insights from Geo-data to help our clients design, build and operate their assets in a safe, sustainable and efficient manner.

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Company Overview

Fugro is a Public Company company located in Leidschendam, South Holland. This company specializes in Recreation and Sports and has a workforce of 10000+ employees and is always looking for qualified talent. Learn more by visiting Fugro's website , Linkedin or Social Feed.

Fugro values experience and skills such as Marine Geoconsulting, Geophysical Survey Services, Marine Environmental Services, Hydrographic Survey Services, Water Consultancy Services, Satellite Positioning, IRM Services, Marine Infrastructure Solutions,. Software or tools they use are Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, and others.

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