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Lever is a leading Talent Acquisition Suite that makes it easy for talent teams to reach their hiring goals and to connect companies with top talent. Lever is the only platform that provides all talent acquisition leaders with complete ATS and robust CRM capabilities in one product, LeverTRM. The Lever Hire and Lever Nurture features allow leaders to scale and grow their people pipeline, build authentic and long-lasting relationships, and source the right people to hire. Lever Analytics provides customized reports with data visualization, see offers completed and interview feedback, and more, to inform strategic decisions between hiring managers and executives alike. Our platform also enables companies to hire with inclusivity in mind, helping eliminate any hiring bias. Lever supports the hiring needs of 4,000 companies around the globe including the teams at Netflix, Atlassian, KPMG, and McGraw-Hill Education.

Lever is not yet claimed on DailyTalent

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Company Overview

Lever is a Privately Held company located in San Francisco, California. This company specializes in Software Development and has a workforce of 201-500 employees and is always looking for qualified talent. Learn more by visiting Lever's website , Linkedin or Social Feed.

Lever values experience and skills such as CRM Software, Intelligent Automation, Data & Analytics,. Software or tools they use are Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, and others.

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Specialty Services

At Lever we specialize in talent acquisition, collaboration software, candidate experience, hiring, recruiting, candidate sourcing, talent analytics, applicant tracking, and diversity and inclusion