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Mainstreet Equity Corp (TSX: MEQ) is the leading growth-oriented real estate operating company (REOC) which owns and operates mid-market multi-family rental apartments in Western Canada. Mainstreet Equity Corp. invests in older mid-market rental properties, repositioning them to provide comfortable and well-managed rentals. We currently own and manage over 13,000 units across Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver/Lower Mainland BC, Saskatoon, Regina, Kamloops, and Lethbridge. Our counter-cyclical investment strategy and commitment to controlled growth is the foundation of Mainstreet. We purchase distressed properties and create value in assets which many other companies overlook. Once acquired we improve the properties and provide them to tenants at affordable rates. We are "boutique apartments”.

Mainstreet Equity Corp. is not yet claimed on DailyTalent

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Company Overview

Mainstreet Equity Corp. is a Public Company company located in Calgary, AB. This company specializes in Real Estate and has a workforce of 201-500 employees and is always looking for qualified talent. Learn more by visiting Mainstreet Equity Corp.'s website , Linkedin or Social Feed.

Mainstreet Equity Corp. values experience and skills such as Commercial Real Estate PR, Residential Real Estate PR, Commercial Real Estate,. Software or tools they use are Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, and others.

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