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Mention is the leading tool for brand monitoring, social listening and reputation management for enterprises and agencies. From social media to PR mentions, user reviews to blog comments, leading brands choose Mention to track the most important conversations about their brand, competitors, and industry across the web. Over 750,000+ professionals using the app in 150+ countries, including Spotify, Lamborghini, MIT, Microsoft, and more. Mention helps the world’s best brands make better business decisions. Manage, listen, engage and analyze real-time alerts from one simple dashboard. Learn more at: Twitter: Facebook: YouTube: Growth Marketers LinkedIn group:

Mention is not yet claimed on DailyTalent

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Company Overview

Mention is a Privately Held company located in Paris, FR. This company specializes in Computer Software and has a workforce of 51-200 employees and is always looking for qualified talent. Learn more by visiting Mention's website , Linkedin or Social Feed.

Mention values experience and skills such as Analytical skills, Public Relations, Social Media Marketing, Media Relations, Online Strategy, Social Media Management, Media Analysis, Web Monitoring, Brand Management, Competitive Analysis,. Software or tools they use are Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Saas, Google Analytics, Microsoft PowerPoint, Zoom, and others.

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Specialty Services

At Mention we specialize in social media, media monitoring, community management, e-reputation, analytics, influencer marketing, crisis management, web monitoring, social listening, online brand management, brand coverage tracking, PR coverage tracking, PR tool, brand monitoring, social media marketing, social media management