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Desenvolvemos soluções para aumentar a eficiência operacional e segurança na análise de crédito, qualificação e monitoramento fornecedores e captação de novos clientes utilizando os últimos avanços em inteligência artificial.

NeuralMind is not yet claimed on DailyTalent

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Company Overview

NeuralMind is a Privately Held company located in Campinas, Sao Paulo. This company specializes in Information Technology & Services and has a workforce of 11-50 employees and is always looking for qualified talent. Learn more by visiting NeuralMind's website , Linkedin or Social Feed.

NeuralMind values experience and skills such as Artificial Intelligence, IT Solutions,. Software or tools they use are Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Access, Microsoft PowerPoint, and others.

Showcase Video

Specialty Services

At NeuralMind we specialize in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Convolutional networks, deep learning, natural language processing, and inteligência artificial