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Is this your business? Claim your ownership through an easy verification process. is a people analytics platform that connects talent to opportunity through real company challenges. Candidates receive a soft skills profile and role recommendations based on industry and company-fit, and employers receive a shortlist of top talent after creating personalized benchmarks that objectively measure success for their team. We're helping employers discover their best-fit talent the first time, while nudging candidates to different career opportunities. Our vision is to create powerful models that consume, understand, and process people data from a variety of different sources to power the skills database for the future of work. is not yet claimed on DailyTalent

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Company Overview is a Privately Held company located in Toronto, Ontario. This company specializes in Information Technology & Services and has a workforce of 11-50 employees and is always looking for qualified talent. Learn more by visiting's website , Linkedin or Social Feed. values experience and skills such as Artificial Intelligence, Strategic Talent Sourcing, Talent Management, Talent Advisory Services, Talent Acquisition, Recruitment, Staff Augmentation,. Software or tools they use are Java, Javascript, Python (Programming Language), and others.

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Specialty Services

At we specialize in Recruitment, Artificial Intelligence, Talent Mobility, Career Pathing, Soft Skill Assessment.