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At Rarebreed we invest in companies primarily outside of the major tech hubs of SF, NY, and MA. We invest in 2 types of companies. Those building a software product with a unique or clearly repeatable customer acquisition strategy or building a physical product in a vertical that has lacked innovation in 10+ years. This is because these two founders are out-of-the-box thinkers and problem solvers.

RareBreed Ventures is not yet claimed on DailyTalent

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Company Overview

RareBreed Ventures is a Partnership company located in Baltimore, MD. This company specializes in Venture Capital & Private Equity and has a workforce of 2-10 employees and is always looking for qualified talent. Learn more by visiting RareBreed Ventures's website , Linkedin or Social Feed.

RareBreed Ventures values experience and skills such as Private Equity, Venture Capital,. Software or tools they use are Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Access, Microsoft PowerPoint, and others.