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Our mission is to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy. With global temperatures rising, the faster we free ourselves from fossil fuel reliance and achieve a zero-emission future, the better. In pursuit of this mission, we make electric vehicles that are not just great EVs, but the best cars, period. We also produce and install infinitely scalable clean energy generation and storage products that help our customers further decrease their environmental impact. When it comes to achieving our goals, we pride ourselves in accomplishing what others deem impossible. We are opening new factories and increasing our output everyday – join us in building a sustainable future.

Tesla is not yet claimed on DailyTalent

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Company Overview

Tesla is a Public Company company located in Austin, Texas. This company specializes in Automotive and has a workforce of 10000+ employees and is always looking for qualified talent. Learn more by visiting Tesla's website , Linkedin or Social Feed.

Tesla values experience and skills such as Intelligent Automation, Automotive, Manufacturer,. Software or tools they use are Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, AutoCAD, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, and others.

Showcase Video

Specialty Services

At Tesla we specialize in Innovation in electric cars and clean energy products.