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Our team of 160,000 professionals in 70 countries draws together the worlds of food, agriculture, nutrition and risk management. For more than 150 years, we have helped farmers grow more, connecting them to broader markets. We are continuously developing products that give consumers just what they’re seeking, advancing nutrition, food safety and sustainability. And we help all of our partners innovate and manage risk, so they can nourish the world again tomorrow. We combine 156 years of experience with new technologies and insights to serve as a trusted partner for food, agriculture, financial and industrial customers in more than 125 countries. Side-by-side, we are building a stronger, sustainable future for agriculture.

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Company Overview

Cargill is a Privately Held company located in Wayzata, Minnesota. This company specializes in Food Production and has a workforce of 10000+ employees and is always looking for qualified talent. Learn more by visiting Cargill's website , Linkedin or Social Feed.

Cargill values experience and skills such as Food Processing Facilities, Transportation, Risk Management, Agriculture, Pharmaceutical, Carbon Solutions,. Software or tools they use are Wordpress, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Zoom, and others.

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Specialty Services

At Cargill we specialize in Food ingredients, agricultural, risk management, commodity trading and processing.