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Generation is a nonprofit that transforms education to employment systems to prepare, place, and support people into life-changing careers that would otherwise be inaccessible. The global pandemic has led to an unprecedented surge in unemployment. Even before the pandemic, more than 75 million young adults were out of work globally, and three times as many were underemployed—and 375 million workers of all ages needed to learn new skills by 2030. At the same time, certain jobs remain in high-demand, and 40 percent of employers say a skills shortage leaves them with entry-level vacancies. To date, more than 40,000 people have graduated from Generation programs, which prepare them for meaningful careers in 14 countries. Generation works with more than 3,900 employer partners and many implementation partners and funders. For more, visit

Generation is not yet claimed on DailyTalent

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Company Overview

Generation is a Educational company located in Washington, DC. This company specializes in Education Management and has a workforce of 51-200 employees and is always looking for qualified talent. Learn more by visiting Generation's website , Linkedin or Social Feed.

Generation values experience and skills such as Coaching, Tech PR, Educational Facilities, Advising Services,. Software or tools they use are Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, and others.

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Specialty Services

At Generation we specialize in training, workforce development, education, reskilling, technical training, bootcamps, unemployment solutions, workforce training, and skills gap