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Lane is the world’s leading workplace experience platform. Founded in 2014 to transform and connect the workplace, our no-code enterprise software streamlines all aspects of day-to-day office life—from room bookings and access management, to communications and commerce, to events, data, and beyond. Our award-winning mobile and web technology is built to scale, allowing workplace providers to deploy globally and configure locally. Powering 300+ properties across 22 major cities in 8 countries, Lane clients include Brookfield, Oxford, Colliers, Dream, Nuveen, Studio by Tishman Speyer, and more. Putting all of the pieces together, Lane turns any workplace into a place that works.

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Company Overview

Lane is a Privately Held company located in Toronto, Ontario. This company specializes in Software Development and has a workforce of 51-200 employees and is always looking for qualified talent. Learn more by visiting Lane's website , Linkedin or Social Feed.

Lane values experience and skills such as Customer Service, Community Engagement, Artificial Intelligence, Application Development, Mobile App Development, Commercial Real Estate, Property Management,. Software or tools they use are Android Application Framework, Framework: Data Driven Testing, Front-End Development, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Saas, and others.

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Specialty Services

At Lane we specialize in Property Management, Commercial Real Estate, Employee Engagement, Facilities Management, Communication, Tenant Engagement, Customer Service, User Experience, Workplace Experience, HR, Co-working, Saas, Mobile, APP, Artificial Intelligence, User Interface design, tech, Proptech, no code platform, flexible workspace solutions, and computer software