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Compassion International is a Christian child development ministry aimed at releasing children from spiritual, economic, social and physical poverty in Jesus’ name. We are church-based: Compassion believes the Church is God’s chosen instrument to bring hope to a hurting world. We believe the strategic placement of local churches makes them best suited to address the holistic needs of the children in their communities. And only they can effectively deliver the Jesus-based teaching and whole-life care that children in poverty deserve. Compassion partners with 8,000+ churches in 25 countries around the world to deliver our holistic child development program. We are child-focused: Compassion’s ministry is focused on the individual child and his/her development. We offer this assistance irrespective of caste, creed, class or religion. At Compassion, we believe entire communities will feel the positive impact of our presence because what happens in the life of a child ripples throughout his or her environment. We are Christ-centered: Jesus is the core of our ministry and his life and teachings shape our programs. They reflect the spiritual commitments of our staff. And they guide how we love people, respect communities and cooperate with nations. We are committed to integrity: We hold ourselves to the highest professional and biblical principles in all aspects of our ministry and maintain the highest industry standards for our allocation of funds. Compassion and Compassion International are registered trademarks of the United States government.

Compassion International is not yet claimed on DailyTalent

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Company Overview

Compassion International is a Non Profit company located in Colorado Springs, CO. This company specializes in Non-profit Management and has a workforce of 1001-5000 employees and is always looking for qualified talent. Learn more by visiting Compassion International's website , Linkedin or Social Feed.

Compassion International values experience and skills such as Child Support,. Software or tools they use are Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Access, Microsoft PowerPoint, and others.

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Specialty Services

At Compassion International we specialize in Child Advocacy, Child Sponsorship, Poverty, Child Survival, Holistic Child Development, Christian Leadership Development, and ministry